79  Rz-run

rz-run is a tool allowing to setup a specified execution environment - redefine stdin/stdout, pipes, change the environment variables and other settings useful to craft the boundary conditions you need to run a binary for debugging.

$ rz-run -h
Usage: [directives] [script.rz] [--] [program] [args]
 -h                  Show this help
 -l                  Show profile options
 -t                  Output template profile
 -v                  Show version information
 -w                  Wait for incoming terminal process
 -- [program] [args] Run commands

It takes the text file in key=value format to specify the execution environment. Rz-run can be used as both separate tool or as a part of rizin. To load the rz-run profile in Rizin you need to use either -r to load the profile from file or -R to specify the directive from string.

The format of the profile is very simple. Note the most important keys - program and arg*

One of the most common usage cases - redirect the output of debugged program in rizin. For this you need to use stdio, stdout, stdin, input, and a couple similar keys.

Here is the basic profile example:

# arg2=hello
# arg3="hello\nworld"
# arg4=:048490184058104849
# arg5=:!ragg2 -p n50 -d 10:0x8048123
# arg6=@arg.txt
# arg7=@300@ABCD # 300 chars filled with ABCD pattern
# system=rizin =
# aslr=no
# unsetenv=FOO
# clearenv=true
# envfile=environ.txt
# timeoutsig=SIGTERM # or 15
# connect=localhost:8080
# listen=8080
# pty=false
# fork=true
# bits=32
# pid=0
# pidfile=/tmp/foo.pid
# #sleep=0
# #maxfd=0
# #execve=false
# #maxproc=0
# #maxstack=0
# #core=false
# #stdio=blah.txt
# #stderr=foo.txt
# stdout=foo.txt
# stdin=input.txt # or !program to redirect input from another program
# input=input.txt
# chdir=/
# chroot=/mnt/chroot
# libpath=$PWD:/tmp/lib
# rzpreload=yes
# preload=/lib/libfoo.so
# setuid=2000
# seteuid=2000
# setgid=2001
# setegid=2001
# nice=5