12  Introduction

This chapter provides instructions on configuring and customizing Rizin to meet your preferences.

During the startup, Rizin loads an initial script called rizinrc. Within this file, it is possible to incorporate configuration commands (e commands) to customize the tool.

All the configuration adjustments in Rizin are made through the use of e commands. A standard startup configuration file often resembles the following:

$ cat ~/.rizinrc
# enable colors
e scr.color=2
# enable utf8 output
e scr.utf8=true
e scr.utf8.curvy=true
# change color theme to nord
eco nord

Configuration adjustments can also be made using the -e option=value command-line option. This allows you to modify configurations from the command line while keeping the rizinrc file unchanged. For instance, to initiate Rizin with an empty configuration and subsequently modify scr.color and asm.syntax, the following line can be employed:

$ rizin -N -e scr.color=1 -e asm.syntax=intel -d /bin/ls

The evaluable variables are named using namespaces, such as cfg., file., dbg., scr., and others.

To obtain a list of all configuration variables, enter el in the command line prompt. If you want to filter the output by a specific namespace, append the namespace to el. For example, el file will display all evaluable variables starting with the file prefix.

For configuration values that can assume one of several options, you can employ the =? operator to obtain a list of valid values.

For guidance on the e command, refer to e?.

[0x00000000]> e?
Usage: e[?]   # List/get/set config evaluable vars
| e <key>[=<val|?>] [<key>[=<val|?>] ...]] # Get/Set value of config variable <key>
| el[j*qlJ] [<key>]      # List config variables with their descriptions
| e-                     # Reset config variables
| e! <key>               # Invert the boolean value of config variable <key>
| ec[?]                  # Set color for given key (prompt, offset, ...) (see ec?? for more details)
| ee <key>               # Open editor to change the value of config variable <key>
| er <key>               # Set config variable <key> as read-only
| es [<key>]             # List all config variable spaces or sub-keys/sub-spaces if a <key> is provided
| et <key>               # Show type of given config variable <key>
[0x00000000]> el file
           file.info: RzBin info loaded
       file.lastpath: Path of current file
      file.loadalign: Alignment of load addresses
         file.offset: Offset where the file will be mapped at
       file.openmany: Maximum number of files opened at once
           file.path: Path of current file
           file.type: Type of current file
[0x00000000]> e scr.nkey=?

A more straightforward alternative to the e command is available in visual mode. Type Ve to enter this mode, utilize arrow keys (up, down, left, right) for navigation through the configuration, and press q to exit. The initial screen for the visual configuration edit appears as follows:

 >  analysis                                                                                                              