135 Rizin Reference Card
This chapter is based on the Radare 2 reference card by Thanat0s, which is under the GNU GPL. Original license is as follows:
This card may be freely distributed under the terms of the GNU
general public licence — Copyright by Thanat0s - v0.1 -
135.1 Survival Guide
Those are the basic commands you will want to know and use for moving around a binary and getting information about it.
Command | Description |
help | First introduction |
s (tab) | Seek to a different place |
aa[a] | Auto analyze (three a for more) |
afl | List functions |
afvl | List function local vars and args |
avg | List globals |
t | List types |
iz[z] | List strings (two z for more) |
pdf @ funcname | Disassemble function (main, fcn, etc) |
x [nbytes] | Hexdump of nbytes, $b by default |
wx [nbytes] | Write hexadecimal string |
axt @ [flag/address] | Find cross reference to a flag/address |
135.2 Flags
Flags are like bookmarks, but they carry some extra information like size, tags or associated flagspace. Use f
commands to list, set, get them.
Command | Description |
f name | Add flag “name” |
f- name | Remove flag “name” |
fl | List flags |
fd $$ | Describe an offset |
fN [name] | Show the real name |
fx [flagname] | Show hexdump of flag |
fC [name] [comment] | Set flag comment |
135.3 Functions and variables
Functions appear after auto-analysis or after adding them manually with the af
Command | Description |
af | Analyze function |
af- name | Remove function “name” |
afb | List basic blocks |
afi | Show function information |
afs | Show function signature |
afvl | Show function variables |
agf | Show function graph |
135.4 Global variables
Global variables appear after auto-analysis or after adding them manually.
Command | Description |
avg | Show all globals |
avg name | Show global “name” |
avga name type | Add global variable |
avgp name | Print global variable |
avgx name | Show xrefs to the global |
135.5 Information
Binary files have information stored inside the headers. The i
command uses the RzBin API and allows us to the same things rz-bin does. Those are the most common ones.
Command | Description |
ii | Information on imports |
iI | Info on binary |
ie | Display entrypoint |
iS | Display sections |
ir | Display relocations |
135.6 Print string
There are different ways to represent a string in memory. The ps
command allows us to print it in UTF8, UTF-16, Pascal, zero-terminated, .. formats.
Command | Description |
ps @ [offset] | Print auto-detected string |
psb @ [offset] | Print all strings in the current block |
psp @ [offset] | Print Pascal string |
psw @ [offset] | Print UTF-16 LE string |
psm @ [offset] | Print UTF-16 BE string |
psW @ [offset] | Print UTF-32 LE string |
psM @ [offset] | Print UTF-32 BE string |
135.7 Visual mode
The visual mode is the standard interactive interface of rizin.
To enter in visual mode use the v
or V
command, and then you’ll only have to press keys to get the actions happen instead of commands.
Command | Description |
V | Enter visual mode |
p/P | Rotate modes (hex, disasm, debug, words, buf) |
c | Toggle (c)ursor |
q | Back to rizin shell |
hjkl | Move around (or HJKL) (left-down-up-right) |
Enter | Follow address of jump/call |
sS | Step/step over |
o | Toggle asm.pseudo and asm.esil |
. | Seek to program counter |
/ | In cursor mode, search in current block |
:cmd | Run rizin command |
;[-]cmt | Add/remove comment |
/*+-[] | Change block size, [] = resize hex.cols |
<,> | Seek aligned to block size |
i/a/A | (i)nsert hex, (a)ssemble code, visual (A)ssembler |
b | Toggle breakpoint |
B | Browse evals, symbols, flags, classes, … |
d[f?] | Define function, data, code, .. |
D | Enter visual diff mode (set diff.from/to) |
e | Edit eval configuration variables |
f/F | Set/unset flag |
gG | Go seek to begin and end of file (0-$s) |
mK/’K | Mark/go to Key (any key) |
n/N | Seek next/prev function/flag/hit (scr.nkey) |
C | Toggle (C)olors |
R | Randomize color palette (ecr) |
tT | Tab related. see also tab |
v | Visual code analysis menu |
V | (V)iew graph (agv?) |
wW | Seek cursor to next/prev word |
uU | Undo/redo seek |
x | Show xrefs of current func from/to data/code |
yY | Copy and paste selection |
z | fold/unfold comments in disassembly |
135.8 Searching
There are many situations where we need to find a value inside a binary or in some specific regions. Use the e search.in=?
command to choose where the /
command may search for the given value.
Command | Description |
/ foo\00 | Search for string ’foo\0’ |
/b | Search backwards |
// | Repeat last search |
/w foo | Search for wide string ’f\0o\0o\0’ |
/wi foo | Search for wide string ignoring case |
/! ff | Search for first occurrence not matching |
/i foo | Search for string ’foo’ ignoring case |
/e /E.F/i | Match regular expression |
/x a1b2c3 | Search for bytes; spaces and uppercase nibbles are allowed, same as /x A1 B2 C3 |
/x a1..c3 | Search for bytes ignoring some nibbles (auto-generates mask, in this example: ff00ff) |
/x a1b2:fff3 | Search for bytes with mask (specify individual bits) |
/d 101112 | Search for a deltified sequence of bytes |
/!x 00 | Inverse hexa search (find first byte != 0x00) |
/c jmp [esp] | Search for asm code (see search.asmstr) |
/a jmp eax | Assemble opcode and search its bytes |
/A | Search for AES expanded keys |
/r sym.printf | Analyze opcode reference an offset |
/R | Search for ROP gadgets |
/P | Show offset of previous instruction |
/m magicfile | Search for matching magic file |
/p patternsize | Search for pattern of given size |
/z min max | Search for strings of given size |
/v[?248] num | Look for a asm.bigendian 32bit value |
135.9 Usable variables in expression
The %$?
command will display the variables that can be used in any math operation inside the rizin shell. For example, using the % $$
command to evaluate a number or %v
to just the value in one format.
All commands in rizin that accept a number supports the use of those variables.
Command | Description |
$$ | here (current virtual seek) |
$? | last comparison value |
$B | base address (aligned lowest map address) |
$b | block size |
$D | current debug map base address ?v $D @ rsp |
$DB | same as dbg.baddr, progam base address |
$Fb | begin of basic block |
$FB | begin of function |
$Fe | end of basic block |
$FE | end of function |
$FS | function size (linear length) |
$Fs | size of the current basic block |
$FSS | function size (sum bb sizes) |
$s | file size |
$S | section offset |
$SS | section size |
${ev} | get value of eval <config variable |
$r{reg} | get value of named register |