3  Compilation and Portability

Rizin can be compiled on various systems and architectures, with primary development conducted on UNIX like systems (GNU/Linux, macOS, etc..) using GCC and on macOS with clang. Rizin is known to compile on a wide range of systems and architectures, including compatibility with TinyCC.

For those interested in utilizing Rizin as a debugger for reverse engineering, the debugger layer is currently available on Windows, GNU/Linux (x86, x86_64, MIPS, PowerPC, RISC-V, ARM, and AArch64), macOS (x86, x86_64 and AArch64), FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD (x86 and x86_64).

However, it’s important to note that the debugger feature has more restrictive portability compared to the core. If the debugger hasn’t been ported to your preferred platform, you have the option to disable the debugger layer using the meson option -Ddebugger=false. Refer to BUILDING.md for additional details.

Keep in mind that there are I/O plugins utilizing GDB, WinDbg, KD, or Wine as back-ends, and they depend on the presence of corresponding third-party tools, especially in the case of remote debugging (on the target machine).

3.0.1 Docker

The Rizin repository includes a Dockerfile that you can use with Docker for streamlined deployment.