105  Python plugins

Note - in the following examples there are missing functions of the actual decoding for the sake of readability!

For this you need to do this:

  1. import rzlang and from rzlang import RZ (for constants)

  2. Make a function with 2 subfunctions - assemble and disassemble and returning plugin structure - for RzAsm plugin

    def mycpu(a):
        def assemble(s):
            return [1, 2, 3, 4]
        def disassemble(memview, addr):
                opcode = get_opcode(memview) # https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#memoryview
                opstr = optbl[opcode][1]
                return [4, opstr]
                return [4, "unknown"]
  3. This structure should contain a pointers to these 2 functions - assemble and disassemble

        return {
                "name" : "mycpu",
                "arch" : "mycpu",
                "bits" : 32,
                "endian" : RZ.RZ_SYS_ENDIAN_LITTLE,
                "license" : "GPL",
                "desc" : "MYCPU disasm",
                "assemble" : assemble,
                "disassemble" : disassemble,
  4. Make a function with 2 subfunctions - set_reg_profile and op and returning plugin structure - for RzAnalysis plugin

    def mycpu_analysis(a):
           def set_reg_profile():
            profile = "=PC   pc\n" + \
            "=SP sp\n" + \
            "gpr r0  .32 0   0\n" + \
            "gpr r1  .32 4   0\n" + \
            "gpr r2  .32 8   0\n" + \
            "gpr r3  .32 12  0\n" + \
            "gpr r4  .32 16  0\n" + \
            "gpr r5  .32 20  0\n" + \
            "gpr sp  .32 24  0\n" + \
            "gpr pc  .32 28  0\n"
            return profile
        def op(memview, pc):
            analysisop = {
                "type" : RZ.RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_NULL,
                "cycles" : 0,
                "stackop" : 0,
                "stackptr" : 0,
                "ptr" : -1,
                "jump" : -1,
                "addr" : 0,
                "eob" : False,
                "esil" : "",
                opcode = get_opcode(memview) # https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#memoryview
                esilstr = optbl[opcode][2]
                if optbl[opcode][0] == "J": # it's jump
                    analysisop["type"] = RZ.RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_JMP
                    analysisop["jump"] = decode_jump(opcode, j_mask)
                    esilstr = jump_esil(esilstr, opcode, j_mask)
                result = analysisop
            # Don't forget to return proper instruction size!
            return [4, result]
  5. This structure should contain a pointers to these 2 functions - set_reg_profile and op

        return {
                "name" : "mycpu",
                "arch" : "mycpu",
                "bits" : 32,
                "license" : "GPL",
                "desc" : "MYCPU analysis",
                "esil" : 1,
                "set_reg_profile" : set_reg_profile,
                "op" : op,
  6. Then register those using rzlang.plugin("asm") and rzlang.plugin("analysis") respectively

    print("Registering MYCPU disasm plugin...")
    print(rzlang.plugin("asm", mycpu))
    print("Registering MYCPU analysis plugin...")
    print(rzlang.plugin("analysis", mycpu_analysis))

You can combine everything in one file and load it using -i option:

rizin -I mycpu.py some_file.bin

Or you can load it from the rizin shell: #!python mycpu.py

105.0.1 Implementing new format plugin in Python

Note - in the following examples there are missing functions of the actual decoding for the sake of readability!

For this you need to do this: 1. import rzlang

  1. Make a function with subfunctions:

    • load
    • load_bytes
    • destroy
    • check_bytes
    • baddr
    • entries
    • sections
    • imports
    • relocs
    • binsym
    • info

    and returning plugin structure - for RzAsm plugin

    def le_format(a):
        def load(binf):
            return [0]
        def check_bytes(buf):
                if buf[0] == 77 and buf[1] == 90:
                    lx_off, = struct.unpack("<I", buf[0x3c:0x40])
                    if buf[lx_off] == 76 and buf[lx_off+1] == 88:
                        return [1]
                return [0]
                return [0]

    and so on. Please be sure of the parameters for each function and format of returns. Note, that functions entries, sections, imports, relocs returns a list of special formed dictionaries - each with a different type. Other functions return just a list of numerical values, even if single element one. There is a special function, which returns information about the file - info:

        def info(binf):
            return [{
                    "type" : "le",
                    "bclass" : "le",
                    "rclass" : "le",
                    "os" : "OS/2",
                    "subsystem" : "CLI",
                    "machine" : "IBM",
                    "arch" : "x86",
                    "has_va" : 0,
                    "bits" : 32,
                    "big_endian" : 0,
                    "dbg_info" : 0,
  2. This structure should contain a pointers to the most important functions like check_bytes, load and load_bytes, entries, relocs, imports.

        return {
                "name" : "le",
                "desc" : "OS/2 LE/LX format",
                "license" : "GPL",
                "load" : load,
                "load_bytes" : load_bytes,
                "destroy" : destroy,
                "check_bytes" : check_bytes,
                "baddr" : baddr,
                "entries" : entries,
                "sections" : sections,
                "imports" : imports,
                "symbols" : symbols,
                "relocs" : relocs,
                "binsym" : binsym,
                "info" : info,
  3. Then you need to register it as a file format plugin:

    print("Registering OS/2 LE/LX plugin...")
    print(rzlang.plugin("bin", le_format))