11  Contributing

11.0.1 Rizin Book

To contribute to this book, you’re welcome to open merge requests on the Github repository.

The recommended contributions must be related to Rizin and include Capture The Flag or crackme writeups, documentation (like covering missing commands, outdated usage formats, or any helpful information which might be currently missing), documentation related to development of plugins, and conference presentations or workshops involving Rizin.

Ensure you obtain permission to transfer any content that you didn’t create before adding it to the Rizin book. Additionally, you can engage with the RizinOrg team on the Rizin Organization’s Mattermost server.

11.1 Rizin

We welcome your contribution to Rizin and aim to maintain a friendly developer environment. Before participating, please review our Code of Conduct. To begin with the code, refer to CONTRIBUTING.md. Connect with the developer community through our Mattermost channel and other chat platforms. We look forward to your involvement!